Positive Thinking to Benefit Your Life

November 17, 2011 12:27
Positive Thinking to Benefit Your Life

Everyone knows that having a positive atitude is an essential component to being happy and healthy.  Listed below are three good thinking tricks that will help keep your chin up and your head held high.  It can be challenging to have a positive outlook on life, when life don't go the way you planned or hope for.

The 1st of my positive thinking tips is to get in the routine of asking yourself the right questions.  What do I mean by this?  Well, our mentality is mainly based on the questions we ask ourselves every single day.  Sounds ridiculous? Just watch your own thoughts for an hour or so.  Tons of people commonly make the same mistake of asking themselves the wrong questions.  Things like “Why does this always happen to me?” or “Why does my life have to be so difficult?”  These kinds of questions are based on the assumption that “this” always happens to you, and that life is, in fact, hard.  Thoughts like these will only reaffirm this to you and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Try asking yourself questions that are less negative and more likely to help aligned you with your desires.   Perhaps, questions like “How did I get to be so lucky?” or “What can I be excited about today?”  Questions like these help strengthen positive beliefs into your head and can help you stay hopeful.  It will take some work at first to accept these beliefs (after all, you’ve thought the old beliefs for so long), but the benefits will be more than worth it..

Another positive thinking tip is to keep a record of all the things you are grateful for in a gratitude journal.  This can be something as simple as a notebook that you keep by your bed and you write in it every night.  Just jot down a page or a certain number of things that you are grateful for in your life.  What you write down can be as simple as "I'm thankful I woke up this morning" or "I'm thankful it was a sunny and beautiful day".  I remember once I wrote down “I am grateful I caught the bus to work just in time today” and then the next day I wrote “I am grateful I missed the bus because it gave me time to read the newspaper in a cafe while I waited for the next bus.”  Doing this often enough, you will start to discover that life isn't as unpleasant as it seems, and that you will start to have a more hopeful viewpoint on life.

My last positive thinking tip is to write down what you wish your life to be like.  Write it out in pain-staking detail.  I wrote down as much as 10 pages of specifics on my desired life.  I was very descriptive of all the places I wanted to travel and live, how much money I made, and who I wanted to spend it with.  This may take some time, but I assure you that doing this will make you feel great, help you focus on your goals,and  put you in alignment with your dreams.

So experiment with these three positive thinking tips and you should see your disposition towards life do a 180 rapidly.  Remember, you control your thoughts, your thoughts controls your emotions which will help control your desired outcomes all with positive thinking.

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