Five Ways To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy:- Kidney happens to be one of the most important organs of our body. It plays a crucial role in removing the waste products from the blood and it regulates the fluid levels. Every day, kidneys filter about 180 ml of blood to sift out 800 ml of waste product and excess water. It is very important to keep your kidneys healthy. Kidneys also keep electrolyte levels stable and produce hormones that make red blood cells. Here are five tips to keep their kidneys healthy:
Drink plenty of water so that kidneys will function properly. On an average, an individual who weighs 70 kgs required 2500 ml of water to avoid dehydration. Your body is well hydrated if your urine is straw-colored and if it looks darker, it indicates that you should take fluids more.
Diabetes and hypertension account for about 40-60 percent of cases of chronic kidney disease in India. Go visit a doctor frequently to keep the levels under control. Get your A1C test at least twice a year, but ideally up to four times a year. If your blood pressure is high, keep it checked regularly.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet so that you get ample vitamins and minerals to get the proper functioning of your kidney. Regular exercise can also help keep your blood pressure and sugar levels under control.
Avoid over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen for everyday pain or joint swelling without doctor’s prescription. These damage your kidneys soon if they are taken for a long time.
Smoking can damage your blood vessels and raise the chance of high blood pressure which leads to kidney failure. People with high blood pressure should quit smoking.