According to Global Burden of Disease study, people are living six years longer than 25 years ago as the global life expectancy increased by 6 percent. Among men the increase is 5.8 percent while in Women it is 6.6 percent between 1990 and 2013. The life expectancy in high-income regions have been increased due to falling death rates from most cancers.
But in some low income countries like Nepal, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Niger, the Maldives, Timor-Leste and Iran, life expectancy increased by more than 12 years in the last two decades. In India, death rates dropped by 1.3% per year among adults and 3.7% for children, but the country has a serious and growing suicide problem.
Also the life expectancy increased from 57.3 years to 64.2 years for men and 58.2 years to 68.5 years for women which is good sign. The study also reported that there is drastic drop in the child death. The study is reported in Lancet Medical Journal.