Online Mindfulness can boost mental health:- Coronavirus pandemic has brought several problems along with the fear of the virus. Several people are in fear, stress and anxiety. A study suggested that these symptoms can be eased through the online mindfulness practices. The study is published in the journal Global Advances in Health and Medicine. 76 percent of the people reported a decrease in the anxiety and 80 percent of the participants said that the stress is reduced and 55 percent of them revealed that there is a decrease in the coronavirus concern.
Rebecca Erwin Wells, Associate Professor at the Wake Forest Baptist Health in the US said that the online mindfulness interventions can improve psychological health when things are uncertain. "It's high time for the people to help each other and stand as a support. The human spirit can find positivity despite the extraordinary negative situations and circumstances. There is a tremendous impact on the emotional health of the people. Online mindfulness is the only option" told Rebecca. The surveys revealed exceptional results.
Most of the participants never practised online mindfulness and 89 percent of them told that these sessions helped them to get better.