The indefinite hunger strike the Telugu Desam Party President Chandrababu Naidu started at AP Bhawan, Delhi reached 5th day today. Chanrababu’s deeksha is going in spite of the notice given by the Resident Commissioner AP Bhavan. Two thousand supporters are leaving for Delhi today from Vijayawada to add to the already supporting group of large number of people there.
AP Bhavan authorities are red faced now with the attitude of Chandra Babu in spite of the eviction notice issued to him. They approached Home ministry on the second day of the deeksa. But the Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde expressed his inability to press Delhi police to evict Chandrababu from AP Bhavan.
Shinde also expressed his astonishment that a former Chief Minister is on fast for the first time at AP Bhavan. Chandrababu succeeded as he expected to bring the issue on National level. Many political leaders visited him and assured of their support to him. On Thursday Punjab Chief Minister and President of Shiromani Akali Dal, Prakash Singh Badal and Yoga Guru Ramdev Baba visited him.
Sushil Kumar Shinde although said he could not help on the letter given by the AP Bhavan authorities to the Home Ministry, he suggested a way out. He said that the AP Bhavan authorities can initiate a civil suit in Delhi Court for trespassing of Chandrababu Naidu.