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For a toned lower body... June 15, 2012 13:00

Wanted your lower body to be the same like that of a hot heroine? Stop craving and start working on getting the right lower body shape... 1. Dumbbell Squat: Hold two dumbbells at your sides, with your palms facing in. Stand with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. While keeping your shoulders, back, and head upright, bend your legs at the knees and lower your hips until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Then, pushing from your heels, lift yourself back to the starting position. Keep your back as straight as possible throughout this exercise. If you have trouble balancing, try placing a sturdy, 1-inch-thick wooden block or a couple of dumbbell plates under your heels. Beware: Don’t allow your knees to extend beyond your toes. Your weight should shift backward into your heels as you lower down. Keep your ABS tight to stabilize your lower back. 2. Dumbbell Lunge: Stand with your feet together, toes pointed forward, a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your shoulders squared, your chin up, your back straight, and palms facing in. Step forward with your right foot. Bend at your knees, and lower your hips until your left knee is just a few inches off the floor. Push with the right leg, raising yourself back to the starting position. Repeat until you’ve done the planned number of reps for your right leg; then do the same for your left leg. Beware: Don’t point your toes in or out. Both feet should point straight ahead. Also, don’t lift your heel on the forward foot. Keep it flat. The proper form is with the kneed on the forward leg over your ankle, not out in front of it. 3. Chair Squat: This is one of my favorites because we have so many opportunities to do this every day. Getting up from a chair or out of a car, you can feel your strength, or lack of it. Stand in front of a chair with feet hip-width apart. Tighten your abs and keep your torso straight. Gradually bend your knees and lower yourself as if you were going to sit in the chair. When your butt is about an inch from the chair, stop and hold for 2-5 seconds, keeping your knees behind your toes, and then straighten up. You can do with or without weights. Beware: Don’t do this exercise if you have knee issues. Don’t lean forward as you straighten up, as you may lose balance and fall forward. Keep a strong core throughout the exercise. 4. Angled Calf Raise: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in, and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Turn your toes out so your feet form a 45-degree angle. Keeping your legs straight, raise yourself on your toes as high as possible. Pause for a count of one; then slowly lower yourself down to the starting position. Beware: Don’t do this exercise on a carpet — find a solid surface, like a hardwood or concrete floor. Do not rotate your toes to more than a 45-degree angle because that would stress your knee joints. Also, make sure your knees are stationary and straight but not locked. Too much knee flexion inhibits calf isolation. 5. Hip Extension: Stand about 6 inches from a wall, both feet pointed forward and about a foot apart. Place your palms on the wall shoulder-width apart. Lift your right leg behind you about a foot off the floor, keeping the whole leg completely straight. Tightening your butt, hold for 5-10 seconds. Slowly lower to the floor. Repeat with the other foot. You can do this exercise with ankle weight to further challenge your gluteal muscles. Beware: Don’t lift your leg too high as you’ll stress your back. The goal is to tighten and strengthen the glutes and you can accomplish this without swinging your legs all over the place. 6. Toe Tappin': You know those shaky and scary part of your butt and upper thighs? Here’s a nifty way to show who’s in control. Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides. Lift your feet, and bend your knees to 90 degrees so that your thighs are now perpendicular to the floor. Slowly and controlling each move, tap your right toes on the floor, and then rotate to your left toes. Keep alternating the toe tappin’ for one minute. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for 2-3 sets. Beware: If you feel any back pain, adjust this exercise so that you don’t bring your toes all the way down to the ground.

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Chubby cheeks even now a favorite... June 14, 2012 13:22

Bony face structure is definitely not that appealing when compared to chubby cheeks and a round face… of course, cheeks can be chubby and not flabby though… if you prefer to get into that sweet…

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For a right growth in hair density! June 14, 2012 12:24

It is so true… for your hair to be long, it has to be healthier and strong first… just don’t worry about your hair losing its density… here are some tips you can follow to…

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For a right growth in hair density! June 13, 2012 12:03

It is so true... for your hair to be long, it has to be healthier and strong first... just don't worry about your hair losing its density... here are some tips you can follow to improve your hair’s density; The scalp needs regular stimulation to encourage blood flow and circulation. A daily 5 minute scalp massage will help to encourage natural hair growth. Take care not to use fingernails, but rather massage the scalp with the fingertips. Another way to encourage natural hair growth and promote circulation to the scalp is to hang your head over a bed or brush hair up-side-down for a minute or two to reverse the flow of blood. Prevention/Solution Trying to promote natural hair growth also means preserving what you have. Tangles lead to breakage, and it is wise to brush hair in the morning, before bed and while damp after conditioning. Limit the use of a hair dryer. Never use a hair dryer on extremely wet hair. Allow it to air dry for a while before using a hair dryer to style hair. Do not use harsh styling tools such as flat irons or curling irons when trying to grow hair. The heat is extremely damaging to hair and causes breakage. Masks Use a natural hair mask one to two times a week. Good choices are avocados, bananas or raw eggs as a 35 minute hair pack before shampooing as usual. Avocados are full of natural oils and vitamins that nourish the scalp and promote natural hair growth. Bananas clarify the scalp and promote circulation to encourage hair growth. Eggs strengthen existing hair and prevent breakage. Rinse egg out of hair with cool water so it will not scramble. Dandruff Treatments Dandruff prohibits healthy hair growth. Olive oil is an effective natural remedy for dandruff. Olive oil has been used throughout the ages as a clarifying and moisturizing agent that helps to remove impurities from the skin. Massage olive oil on the scalp before bed, cover the scalp with a shower cap and wash as usual in the morning. Another natural solution for dandruff is to apply witch hazel to the scalp with a cotton ball. Witch hazel can be applied anytime to itchy and flaky spots on the scalp throughout the day. Hair-Growth Tonic Rosemary increases circulation in the scalp and promotes natural hair growth. Boil three tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves in a cup of water. Set it aside for 2 days before straining out the solids. Pour rosemary water in a spray bottle and apply it to hair roots before bed or a few hours before washing hair to promote hair growth.

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Get rid of those hefty arms and upper body! June 12, 2012 11:18

Those over flooded arms and upper body would tend to bother more Indian Woman of average height... that's not all, this un even body type of yours might be a hurdle to best body traits of yours as well... just get rid of this unwanted flabby upper body; Step 1 Lose weight throughout your whole body. To make this job easier, eliminate foods that are deep fried, processed, refined and high in saturated fats. Instead, choose foods that are nutrient-dense, such as lean meats, low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains and legumes.  Transform Your Chest in Weeks. Your Moobs Won't Know What Hit Them. Step 2 Drink more water. Water helps lubricate the joints, keeps you hydrated, helps flush toxins from the body, helps metabolize fat and also has no calories. Drink water in place of high-calorie, sugary drinks and alcohol. Women should consume 2.2 liters a day; men should consume 3 liters a day (see Resources).   Step 3 Go for a run. Cardiovascular exercise is important for burning calories, which can lead to overall weight loss--including the upper arms. Running, biking, swimming, stair stepping, elliptical training and rowing are all good options.   Step 4 Work your triceps. The triceps are located on the back of the upper arm, and they are a likely site for fat storage. To work this part of the arms, do some overhead tricep extensions, close grip pushups and tricep kickbacks. To do tricep extensions, hold a dumbbell with both hands on the inside of the handle. The dumbbell should be perpendicular to the floor. Lift it above your head and slowly lower it down by bending your elbows, then lift it back up. Close grip pushups are done like regular pushups, but with the hands closer together (see Resources). Tricep kickbacks are done on a bench. Place your knee on the bench with a dumbbell in the same hand as that knee. Bend over so your upper body is about parallel to the floor. Lift your upper arm until it is parallel to the floor, then extend your arm straight behind you. Lower the dumbbell back until your arm is bent 90 degrees, and repeat.   Step 5 Work your biceps. The biceps are located on the front of the upper arm. They can be worked by doing barbell curls, incline curls and reverse curls. Perform barbell curls with a shoulder-width grip. Lift the barbell up until it is about two inches away from your chest, then lower it until your arms are completely extended. Incline curls can be done by setting the bench to a 60-degree incline. Lie on the bench with dumbbells in your hands and your palms facing your body. Lift them up and twist your little fingers inward at the top of the movement. Reverse curls are done the same way as barbell curls, but with palms facing down.

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Eat right for a glowing skin... June 11, 2012 12:18

We have known what all tips to be followed for  a glowing skin... let's look into a deeper perspective and make our skin glow from the root, with this diet regime; Green Tea A few cups of green tea a day can definitely help keep the doctor away. When freshly brewed it can enhance your memory, fight against brain disorders, prevent heart attacks and cancer and maintain your positive mood. The catechins in green tea sharpen your wits and keep you relaxed mentally. As you age, your skin isn't renewed as often, so dead skin cells create a dull and tired complexion. Green tea is full of powerful antioxidants that help your cells live longer, making your skin look and feel younger than it really is. It's also known to help slow down the aging process, by helping collagen fight off free radicals to keep your skin looking smooth and protect against UV damage. Be sure to steep your green tea for about 3 minutes, to allow the health promoting nutrients to be released. If you steep for too long, the tea gets too bitter and may decrease your iron absorption and cause constipation. RaisinsRaisins are a wonderful sweet snack full of antioxidants that promote good health and glowing skin. They are full of resveratrol, which is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the speed of your skin cells age. Although raisins are quite sticky and sweet, they are actually good for your teeth and gums. They don't cause tooth decay or gum disease, but promote good oral hygiene. Raisins, like carrots help improve the health of your eyesight. They act as a preventative measure for macular degeneration. Phytonutrients and olenolic acid are the key nutrients in raisins that help get rid of all impurities in your blood. Think of it as a cleanser for your blood. They are also beneficial to strengthen your bones and help prevent osteoporosis. The minerals in raisins work together with estrogen to improve your overall health. CarrotsCarrots are high in the antioxidant beta-carotene, which can prevent your skin from aging and can reverse any damage that has already incurred. Beta-carotene gives carrots it's orange color. It also converts vitamin A in your body, to help improve your eyesight. Not getting enough vitamin A can actually lead to night blindness, so it's important to eat carrots on a daily basis. This orange vegetable helps to combat free radicals that contribute to various diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration. According to a medical study done in Texas and Chicago, those with high levels of beta-carotene had a 37% lower risk of cancer than those with lower levels. OlivesThe use of olive oil dates back to the Egyptians, (think Cleopatra) Greeks, Phoenicians, and Romans. This ancient beauty treasure has been claimed to be the secret ingredient to beautiful skin. Olives/olive oil contain vitamin E and Oleic oil which is known to plump up your skin cells, and give you protection against the harmful free radicals in your body, therefore reducing fine lines and wrinkles on your skin. The mono-saturated fats in olives/olive oil combined with the antioxidant protection and vitamin E lowers the risk of damage and inflammation of your skin. To receive the most benefits of olive oil, be sure to use it externally as a beauty treatment as well. It will promote soft radiant skin, help maintain your skin elasticity, heal dry and brittle nails and cuticles, and will condition and shine your hair. Be sure to include olives/olive oil in your diet on a regular basis. It will give you glowing soft skin and hair from the inside and out. PomegranatePomegranates have been known to be the most powerful natural antioxidants, as they contain multiple nutritious vitamins and minerals. This fruit is extremely beneficial for glowing skin, with many added health benefits. It's loaded with vitamin B, C, calcium and phosphorous. Drinking the juice is also beneficial to your heart, as it prevents artery clogging. Did you know that pomegranates act as an internal natural sunscreen. Including this fruit in your diet can increase your UV light protection and SPF by 25%, as they are full of ellagic acid, which makes your skin heal and renew faster. It also contains agents to prevent prostate cancer, asthma, anemia, intestinal irritations, morning sickness and poor appetite.

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Get your skin care basics right... June 09, 2012 11:15

Just as getting basics right before mastering any form of art or education, the same formula would be applicable to skin care as well... before getting a expertise on skin care, let’s know if we know the basic skin care routine or not; Cleansing Cleansing should be done twice daily, using a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser. Always use your hands instead of a washcloth. Washcloths can harbor bacteria and they're too rough for sensitive skin. Skin shouldn't be "squeaky clean" but should have some natural oils left behind. Toning A good toner will remove any excess dirt or makeup left behind by your cleanser-the proof is in the cotton pad. It's also a step too many women skip in their skincare routine. Regular use will refine and minimize pores and make skin feel fresh. Moisturizing Next to staying out of the sun, moisturizing is the best step towards keeping skin looking young. If you don’t have problem skin use a lightweight moisturizer. In fall or winter, you might want to switch over to something a little more substantial, but for the summer something light is best. Moisturizer should be applied twice a day. Scrub/Exfoliate Exfoliating is a step that can be done about once a week. Sloughing off dead skin cells will reveal younger, smoother skin beneath the surface. Use a skincare brush. You can use it with whatever cleanser is your favorite. The oscillating brush buffs skin to a healthy glow-but a good scrubbing cleanser or pad will also do the trick. Concentrate on these basic skin care routine, before going ahead and trying all those hi-fy special treatments for your skin...

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Puffy face??? No more a beauty... June 08, 2012 13:08

Now, if you are blessed with a puffy face and body type, then you can only work on being in shape... but all those hectic work schedules, odd food timings and habits, cried like hell for some reason, lack of sleep or slept like a sleeping beauty... whatever the reason could be, you notice your face turning puffy, here are quick tips to fix this problem; Cucumbers and Lemon Juice cucumbers and lemon juice can be used to reduce redness and puffiness on the face. Wash one cucumber and slice it into quarter-inch thick pieces. Put six to eight slices in a small mixing bowl and squeeze one-half fresh lemon onto the cucumbers and place the bowl in the refrigerator for 20 to 30 minutes to cool. Apply the soaked cucumbers to the skin and leave them on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing the skin with cool water and washing with a gentle cleanser to remove the sugar from the skin. This remedy can be repeated up to two times per day unless the citrus juice irritates your skin. Green Tea Bags green tea bags can be applied to the surface of the skin to reduce redness and puffiness. To use green tea bags, brew one tea bag in 8 oz. of hot water for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the tea bag and let it cool for 10 to 15 minutes until it reaches room temperature. Place the tea bag on the puffy area and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse your skin with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel. Apply you regular moisturizer if you use one. This green tea treatment can be used up to four times per day as long as no irritation occurs. Note that Lad recommends using organic tea to prevent exposure to chemicals which may further irritate your skin. Egg Whites Egg whites are a common home remedy to reduce redness and puffiness due to inflammation. Whip two egg whites in a small mixing bowl with a whisk. Let the egg whites stand for two to three minutes before applying the thin paste to the affected area in the shower or bathtub. Leave the egg whites on for 20 minutes before rinsing the skin with cool water and washing gently with your regular cleanser. Use your regular moisturizer if you use one. Egg whites can be used up to two times per day as long as no further redness or irritation occurs. This treatment is not recommended for those that have allergies to eggs even though they are not directly consumed.

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Beauty from Tip to toe... June 07, 2012 11:34

As such we talk and know about how to take a proper care of our skin, face, eyes, lips hair and what not... but, beauty lies on those crack free beautiful, smooth toes as well... let us take some time out and pamper our feet as well… the address for a beautiful feet of yours is 8 steps ahead... find out how... 1. Inspect Your Feet 2. Does The Shoe Fit? Be certain that your shoes fit with room to wiggle your toes. Look inside your shoes before putting them on, in case there are any foreign objects hiding in there, such as gravel, that could cause sores or irritation. Wear clean well-fitting socks. 3. Toe The Line Wash feet everyday and make sure that you dry them thoroughly. Inspect between your toes. 4. Nail Care Always cut nails straight across and then smooth the edges with an emery board. For ease in cutting toenails, trim them after your bath or shower. 5. Do Not Self-Treat See a podiatrist for corns, calluses or ingrown toenails. Do not attempt to self-treat these conditions. 6. Prevent Cracking If your skin is dry, apply cream or petroleum jelly to feet and heels, but avoid the area between your toes. If cream sits in the crevices it can waterlog the skin and make it more susceptible to infection. 7. Keep Circulation Flowing Try not to cross your legs when you sit down. This can limit circulation. 8. Keeping It Moderate Protect your feet from extremes in temperature. Keep bath water temperate in the 85-90 F degree range (30-32 C). If neuropathy is present, you may not be able to feel if the water is too hot, and burns could result. Never use heating pads or hot water bottles. Protect your feet from temperatures that are too cold, as well. Prolonged cold can decrease circulation even more.

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For a strong hair, that enhances your beauty! June 06, 2012 12:13

Silky, soft and smooth hair is definitely a good sign of a beautiful you... but at the same time, just as by seeing your face one can analyze you are healthy or not, similarly by seeing the density of your hair you yourself can analyze if your hair is really healthy or not... if you really think on improving your hair density, here are some tips that could help you; You can apply the yolk of a raw egg on your scalp once every month. Applying yogurt on your hair once every month will keep it looking shiny and healthy. You can also use a paste made of ground fenugreek seeds to keep your hair soft and healthy. You should avoid washing your hair frequently and should ensure that you use only lukewarm water to wash it. Hot water can cause your hair to become weak and increase the hair fall. The shampoo you use should be selected with care since harsh shampoos can cause more harm than good. You should remember to protect your hair from the ill effects of harsh sunlight, pollution and dust. Drape a scarf around your hair when going out. You should also resist the temptation to subject your hair to treatments like hair coloring or straightening, or even curling it, since these can cause hair to become weak and fall out in large quantities. If you want to grow thicker hair, it's might not be as easy as you think. We’re all born with a natural hair type and it’s impossible to completely change that if you have naturally thin hair. However, the healthier you are and the better you treat your hair, the fuller hair will grow and the less hair you'll lose or break. So get fuller hair by eating right. Lots of protein will help you grow thicker hair. Think eggs, fish, steak and tofu. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits so you’re getting plenty of vitamins and minerals. This not only can help you grow thicker hair, but it can make it shinier and healthier. There are also vitamins formulated for hair and nail health, so look for those at a vitamin store or health food shop. These may not necessarily grow thicker hair, but they can make the hair you have healthier, stronger, and less likely to break or fall out. Also, make sure you’re using a moisturizing shampoo that won't dry out your hair. Get a lightweight conditioner that won’t weigh your hair down. You’ll have the look of fuller hair if your hair isn’t weighed down. You also should blow dry your hair. You can make it seem like you grow fuller hair if you blow dry your hair upside down or if you pull hair up with a brush at the roots while you’re blow drying. The next time you go to get a hair cut, tell your stylist that you want a cut that will give you the look of fuller hair. You might not be able to grow thicker hair easily, but you can definitely get carefully placed layers that will make it seem like you have fuller hair. Also ask the stylist to recommend products to help you get fuller hair. He or she may have plenty of good advice for specific things you can use to help you not only grow thicker hair but also make naturally think hair look like fuller hair.

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Value your eyes, before you start repaying their value... June 05, 2012 11:59

One of the assets of us, to watch good, bad, bliss and mess in our life, our eyes... they are the affective form of communication to express our thoughts with oodles of expressions and emotions told without uttering a single word... Day in and day out we take a lot of beauty care... but if you have understood a proper eye care is also mandatory, here are some tips to start off with; Splash your eyes with cold water first thing in the morning. Apply cotton wool pads, soaked in warm milk, witch hazel, rose water or weak tea solution on your eyes, press gently, and leave for ten minutes. Now fill an eye bath with eye lotion, place it on your eye, tilt your head back, open your eye and let the eye lotion flow into your eye. Repeat the same process for the other eye. Wash each eye, two or three times and it will sooth and refresh your eyes. You can repeat the same process following any activity,, which has strained your eyes. After a couple of weeks of such eye care, you will find your eyes looking brighter. To avoid eye strain do not work in a poor light. Do not read continuously in buses or trains. Do not stare too long at anything without blinking. Blinking provides lubrication and relief from light. Do not rub your eyes too hard. To give momentary relief to your eyes, close your eyes with your palms so that no light can enter. Now open up your eyes in your palm cup and stare into this darkness for a minute. Looking out for more??? Well, I suggest you to find out time for this basic eye care first…

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Dry skin in summer? Don’t live with it… June 04, 2012 10:55

It’s not only in winter... thanks to this humidity and variations in the climatic conditions... we are affected with the dry skin even in summer... according to my knowledge more 15 days are left to experience the bliss of a first rain... let’s pamper our skin and get rid of dryness apart from waiting to get solace in the rainy season; Honey, is a good remedy for dry skin. Apart from removing dead cells from the skin surface, it stimulates growth of skin tissues. Due to its antibacterial properties, it also helps in prevention of acne. Yogurt is a natural skin cleanser and moisturizer, while oatmeal helps in soothing dry skin and removes dead cells from the skin surface. Dry skin could be prone to a skin condition called Eczema (itchy skin with oozing wound/abrasion), though not always. Olive oil acts as a good remedy in this case. It could also be applied in combination with other herbal oils. Oils of certain nuts, and fish could also prove beneficial for dry skin. Certain herbal teas act as internal remedies for dry skin, wrinkles and acne. Herbs such as dandelion, marshmallow, calendula, peppermint, chamomile and borage have proven to be beneficial. Take one cup of water, allow it to boil and add a tsp. of any such dried herb. Cover and keep aside for five minutes, so that its medicinal property is retained while consuming. In case of herbal teas made by using seeds, a strong decoction should be made by boiling the seeds for atleast ten minutes and should be set aside for an hour before drinking. As soaps are a big "no-no" to dry skin, an alternative that could replace normal soap could be prepared by stuffing a tea bag made of cloth with oatmeal flour, and adding a pinch of aloe vera gel and almond meal.Certain home remedies that could work wonders for dry skin and keep it free of acne, wrinkles, scars etc could be made in one’s own kitchen. Mix an egg yolk with a tablespoon of honey, mayonnaise or yogurt (add half a teaspoon of almond oil if using yogurt) and apply gently on skin and allow it to dry. Rinse with lukewarm water. Another home remedy is to beat an egg, and add oat flour (made by blending oatmeal in a regular blender). Mix thoroughly, apply on face and allow it to dry for ten minutes and rinse. Egg yolk and honey are the best solutions for dry skin care. Apart from this, certain other herbs used in dry skin care include apple, aloe vera, pulp of banana, comfrey root, chamomile, seeds of fennel and coriander, licorice root, lavender flower, root of marshmallow, rose petals, grape pulp, leaves of green tea, whole milk and yogurt. It is suggested that all these plant products should be chosen carefully, so that it is free of pesticide and shouldn’t be picked up at a highway; else, it could absorb smoke from traffic and could prove harmful.

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