Restrictions on Babus!

November 11, 2014 12:51
Restrictions on Babus!

A month after banning the first class travel to Bureaucrats, the NDA government has now passed a fresh order, directing the Babus [Bureaucrats] to  cut down their foreign tours. The fresh order said, a bureaucrats is allowed only four foreign tours a year and beyond the limit, detailed justification and exceptional cases depending on functional need, will be considered to grant another tour.

The order also added that sponsors should be bear the expenses of officials for their participation in conferences, study tours and presentation of papers. The size of delegation and duration of the visit should also be minimal and Babus should not go to abroad unless their personal presence is most needed.

“Proposals for participation in conferences/seminars/ conventions/workshop/study tours/presentation of papers abroad at government cost will not be entertained except those that are fully funded by sponsoring/inviting organisations,” said the government order.

(AW: Vamshi)


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