Five Healthy Foods To Help You Stay Fit During Winters:- While a lot of people deal with the dilemma of eating just the right amount so as to not put on weight, studies have claimed that people tend to gain more weight during the winters.
It’s the time of the year when we seem to be constantly craving food, even though we may not each much at one time. The biological reason for this is that the fats in the form of adipose tissues help people keep warm during winters, which is why they have a tendency to eat more of such foods.
But what if we say you do not have to stop yourself from gorging on delicious food?
While you indulge, all you have to do is include some basic food known for helping in weight loss, in your diet.
Listed below are five easily available healthy foods to help you stay fit during winters.
1) Carrots
Making them a good choice for those on a diet, carrots are nutrient-rich and low in calories. The food is also high in fibre. It ensures proper digestion and bowel movements. Rich contents of fibre as well as high water levels, are present in such root vegetables, which is why it keeps hunger at bay. Moreover, it is ideal for munching on without the fear of gaining weight, as it contains lower levels of calories.
2) Green Leafy Vegetables
Among the plenty of leaves and stalks that are rich contents of fibre and fill the stomach are spinach, broccoli, cabbage, etc. The healthier and cleaner or digestive systems can be due to the more fibre content, and also helps to lose weight effectively. During the winters, the antioxidants in these foods that are found plenty help in building energy in the system.
3) Potatoes
Potatoes are usually considered as the major sources of fat in our diet. But, this is a popular misconception about the humbles potatoes. The truth is that they are in fact, fat-free, contains low amount of calories and are rich in essential nutrients. The high fibre content present in it ensures to keep bad cholesterol at bay. It is always recommended that to get the desired results for those trying to lose weight, eating potatoes with their skin is suggested. Of course, cooking methods like baking and grilling are definitely healthier than deep frying.
4) Onions
Onions are known as superfoods and help considerably in losing weight. A form of flavonoid antioxidant, quercetin is present in rich amounts in this vegetable, that helps accelerate the process of breaking down fats, by activating the necessary enzymes.
5) Flax Seeds
These have exorbitantly rich levels of fibre. The high fibre content in these flax seeds, is more satiating and keeps one full for longer. Flax can be consumed as seeds, as a whole or in the form of oil. In addition to the fibre content, these seeds are nutritious because of their lignan and omega-3 content. These destroy the breast cancer forming cells in the system.