Wearing a Cloth Mask can get you Covid-19 in 20 Minutes:- The coronavirus risk is back all over the world after the new variant of Omicron broke out. The spread is huge for now and the third wave of coronavirus is all over India. Health officials predict that the wave would be in the peaks in February and March. On the other side, there are debates taking the major stage about the cloth masks or the surgical masks. Cloth masks are quite comfortable but they are not completely protective told several studies and experts. A large section of people have opted to surgical masks but some of them are using cloth masks. As per a study, you can get coronavirus in 20 minutes if you are using a cloth mask.
Experts and scientists say that N95 masks offer the maximum protection against the spread of the coronavirus. As per the reports from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an infected can infect or transmit the virus to others in 15 minutes if they are within 6 feet to the others. If you are using a cloth mask, the time of spread is between 20 and 27 minutes. If the second one is using a surgical mask, the virus can spread in 30 minutes. If both of them are using N95 masks, the virus will take 25 hours to transmit. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) suggested surgical masks as the best to treat coronavirus and they can limit the transmission to a level. Experts said that the N95 and surgical masks are the best and they suggested the people not to use cloth masks.